Shifter Fever Complete Series (Books 1-5) Read online

Page 64

  “Well, I guess now I understand why the throne is so big.” Her voice was surprisingly steady.

  Amos nodded and let his hands drop to his sides. “Most of the fortress is designed to accommodate us in both human and dragon forms.”

  Lucy glanced up at him suspiciously. And pressed herself a little further away. He realized that she hadn’t guessed that he was a shifter too. She’d thought it was just the King.

  “You need water,” Amos said and tugged her away from the wall, ignoring the way she tried to shrink from his touch. Looking back and studying her blanched face he continued. “And meat. And wine. And whiskey. And sleep.”

  “What, you want me to puke all over you?” Lucy asked, stumbling along as his pace quickened even further.

  Amos turned a corner and immediately halted in his tracks. Lucy kept walking and smashed into him. He felt the imprint of her body on his and felt a flame of lust erupt inside of him. As soon as he locked her in her chambers he was going to shift. Full dragon. And he was going to fly at least 100 miles. And when he shifted back to his human form, he was going to the city to find some shifter wench. It had obviously been too long since he’d gotten some action.

  He pushed aside a floor length velvet tapestry to reveal another intricate carving in the heavy stone. He pressed the ruby eye of one of the two carved dragons. The door to her chamber swung open and without hesitating he shoved Lucy into the small room. She stumbled on her heels but he didn’t care, he just had to get out of there before he did something dumb.

  Then her words registered.

  “Puke?” he asked, pausing at the door. “Why would you puke?”

  Lucy turned a circle, taking in her room. “Because eating meat and then drinking wine and whiskey would make me puke. It’s gross. Can’t I get, like, some pad thai or something?”

  “No, we don’t have pad thai here.”

  Lucy eyed him shrewdly. “So that must mean we’re not in a city. If you can’t order thai food. Are we out in the ‘burbs somewhere?”

  “No, Lucy. We’re not on earth.” He spoke slowly and clearly, gently closing the door behind him. She needed to hear the truth.

  She slowly sat down on the bed, bouncing slightly. Amos’s mouth watered as her dress snuck up her thigh again.

  “Not on earth,” she repeated dully. “Well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering I just watched a Mr. Burns look-alike transform into a bright red dragon.”

  Amos shook his head and didn’t ask what she was talking about.

  Her face lit with sudden understanding.“That sparkling black hole thing. In the subway tunnel.”

  Amos confirmed. “The portal. Between the human realm and the dragon realm.”

  “Those men tossed me through it.”

  “And I caught you on the other side.” Amos thought about the moment her unconscious form had fallen gently through the portal. He thought of her weight in his arms, the first moment he’d felt her warmth. And the raging erection he’d immediately gotten.

  “How are you so calm about this, hatchling?” He had to know.

  “No choice, I guess,” she responded. “I’ll figure a way out of all of this. I always do.”

  Amos understood what she was saying but it made his stomach drop. She still believed she had the option of a different fate. He had to get her to understand. “The King usually gets what he wants, hatchling.”

  “This is too much.” She flopped backwards on the bed, arms outspread and Amos jammed his hands in his pockets. Let his eyes rove hungrily across her curvy body. Let himself look all he wanted, considering she was staring at the ceiling. She sat halfway up and he averted his eyes. “You’re right,” she said. “I need water. And food. And sleep.” She stood up abruptly. “And to pee.”

  Amos raised his eyebrows at her and gestured toward a small room off of her chambers.

  She closed the door behind her and Amos sat down in her place on the bed. Felt the warmth her body had left behind.

  “Are we alone in the fortress?” she called out from behind the closed bathroom door.

  For a second Amos thought she meant just the two of them. But she continued on. “Shouldn’t there be servants, or courtiers, or something?” She opened the bathroom door, wiping her hands on a hand towel that she tossed back toward the sink.

  Crossing the room back toward Amos, she toed out of one high heel then the other.

  Amos cleared his throat and stood up to fill a goblet of water for her. Handing it over, he sat next to her on the bed, his weight creating a valley she couldn’t help but slip into.

  “Just the King and I are allowed to know you’re here. The men who captured you have no idea… what you’re for. We’ve forbidden anyone from this part of the fortress for now. And it’s impossible for anyone to enter without me knowing. Or for anyone to exit.” His eyes narrowed meaningfully.

  “Don’t worry. I’m too tired to try and escape tonight.” He almost believed her.

  She looked him up and down. “Why all the security to keep me a big secret?”

  “Because no one can know about you. Ever.” He found he had trouble looking in her face as he told her the shameful truth.

  “Because then it might get out that the King and his offspring are weak?” she asked.

  Amos nodded. “Yes. But also,” he paused. “Dragon shifters don’t breed with humans. It’s taboo.”

  Lucy cocked her head to one side. “Let me guess. Dragon shifters think humans are disgusting?”

  “No,” he shook his head. “Not disgusting. Just… less.”

  Lucy nodded and ran a hand through her long hair. It had gotten messy through all the events of the evening, but Amos found he liked it that way.

  “In a weird way, I kind of get that,” she said. “I mean, in terms of supernatural stuff I offer zilch. I’m not even good at sports. All I can do is jog.” She grinned at him and he felt completely disabled. As if she’d just stabbed him in the stomach.

  God, she was so beautiful. Disturbingly beautiful. Inconveniently beautiful. Disastrously beautiful.

  “And it was pretty impressive,” she continued. “Watching the King hulk out like that.”

  She put her water on the ground and turned to face him, crossing her legs on the bed. “Can you do that?”


  She nodded. “As fast as that?”

  Amos scoffed. “Much faster than that.” He snapped his fingers to show just how fast.

  “Can I see your dragon?”

  The question was asked innocently enough but Amos found he had to shift his elbows onto his knees to hide his enormous erection. It was already too much having her warm and smelling so good and sitting so close. But now she wanted to see his dragon form. God.

  He shook his head.

  “Why not?”

  He gestured around to her chambers, spacious enough for a human, he supposed. The King had made sure she’d be comfortable there. “I wouldn’t fit.”

  Lucy’s eyes widened as she looked around her. “The King would fit in here in dragon form. Easily.”

  He looked down at her. “I’m bigger than the King. Much bigger.”

  Amos realized that her eyes had dropped to his lips. And, fuck, was she leaning toward him? He froze.

  Her ice blue eyes went back up to his. “Can you show me just a little? Like, shift just a little bit?”

  “Fuck,” Amos said. He was so screwed. He was going to do it. Anything she asked.

  She smiled. She knew she was getting what she wanted. Not breaking eye contact with her, Amos allowed his eyes to shift. He knew the pupils would turn to slits, they’d go iridescent, like a cat’s.

  Lucy gasped and leaned in for a closer look. “More,” she whispered.

  Thinking of what other minor shift he could do, Amos held one of his arms out in between them and let his scales cover it. They were a glittering amber green in the flickering candlelight.

  Lucy’s eyes widened as she leaned even closer
to him. “More.”

  Well, she asked for it.

  Her breath went out in an amazed whoosh as he let his wings unfurl behind him. He could barely open them halfway in this confining room.

  “Oh my gosh.” Her eyes filled with tears but he knew she wasn’t scared.

  She reached out to touch his scales but he immediately sheathed them. Her hand landed on the human skin of his arm.

  “The scales are sharp,” he explained, his voice gruff. She hadn’t moved her hand from his arm. She trailed it up to his shoulder.

  “You’re beautiful,” she said.

  He blinked his eyes roughly and when he opened them, they were human again. His wings folded up and disappeared. He was to his full human form again. “Not beautiful. Fierce. Scary.”

  “Very beautiful,” she disagreed.

  “You’re very beautiful,” he said, before he could stop himself. Her face was so close to his and he was hyperaware of her hand on his shoulder.

  “Nah,” she said, her eyes searching his. “I get ‘cute’ a lot. In a chubby way. But not beautiful.”

  His brain fogged over in angry confusion. “You’re not chubby. You’re a woman. With all the stuff a woman is supposed to have.” He gestured to her chest and ass. He quickly dropped his hand. This was not going as planned.

  She cocked her head to one side and finally let her hand fall away from his shoulder.

  “That’s not the general consensus. Most people-”

  He cut her off by grabbing her hand and placing it back on his shoulder. He didn’t want her to keep talking like that. He took her other hand and brought it around her back so she wouldn’t get any more ideas of touching him elsewhere. He would snap if she did that. But their fingers tangled behind her back. He allowed himself that much.

  “Most people are fucking idiots,” he said gruffly. “I’m not most people. And I say you’re fucking gorgeous.”

  She let out a loud breath, just a kiss away from being a moan. She licked her lips. He pretty much wanted to fuck her mouth with his mouth.

  He mentally shook himself. Control, control, control.

  She was not his to touch. She was the King’s. She wiggled a little in his grasp, like she wanted to get closer to him. And he couldn’t close himself off completely.

  He leaned into her neck and deeply inhaled her scent. It was warm and made his mouth water, something he couldn’t quite place.

  “So goddamn hot, I’ve been hard since you came through the portal.”

  Click here to check out the rest of The Dragon Realm series

  Danil’s Mate

  (Secret Shifters of Spokane Series – Book 1 Preview)


  20 years ago

  “That guy right there, Dora. The one in the back of the line. What do you notice?” Pandora Katsaros’s dad asked her as he passed his eight-year-old daughter a pair of binoculars.

  Dora balanced up on her knees in the front seat of the unmarked car, careful to keep her head out of the line of sight, just like her dad had showed her. She focused the binoculars and zoomed in on a man in a red cap.

  “He’s got one hand inside his coat. And there’s a bulge there. I think,” Dora said as she zoomed further with the binoculars, “I think he’s stealing something. Yup. See, there he goes out the side of the building. He definitely stole something.”

  Stavros Katsaros fired up the car and followed the man in the red cap as he skittered down the block to his own car. The two cars got on the highway.

  “Theories?” Stavros asked his daughter as he trailed the man’s car at an inconspicuous distance.

  Dora thought hard, putting some puzzle pieces together in her mind, then shifting them when they didn’t fit quite right. “Some. But I need more info.”

  Stavros inwardly grinned at his daughter’s response. He’d taught her well.

  About twenty minutes later, the cars pulled off the highway and into a very white-bread neighborhood. Every house looked the same. Even the kids playing in the yards all looked the same. Tossing balls and playing with dollies. Not for the first time in her life, Dora was glad that her dad wasn’t like all the other dads. She never wanted to have a normal life. Not if it was this boring.

  Stavros pulled the car off to the side of the road, under a shady tree, and again passed the binoculars to his daughter. He already knew what the man was up to, but he was curious if Dora could put it all together.

  She furrowed her brow as she watched the man in the red cap bound up a carefully kept lawn. He called out something to a boy who was drawing with sidewalk chalk on the driveway. The boy looked up and sprinted over to him. The man bent down and pulled a brand new catcher’s mitt out of his coat. The boy lit up like it was Christmas and held the mitt in the air.

  Dora could hear her father snapping picture after picture with his high definition camera. The one with the lens a mile long.

  “It was a baseball mitt. And he gave it to that kid,” Dora muttered to herself. She thought about how she might run to her own dad across a lawn like that. “But that’s not his kid. I don’t think. They’re greeting each other like they’re still getting to know each other.”

  Stavros grinned to himself as he listened to his daughter work out the details under her breath. She was on the right track.

  “And that is definitely not his wife,” Dora muttered as she watched a pretty lady in a blue dress come out on the porch of the house and smile down at the man and the boy. “And he stole it. He stole it. Why did he steal it? Something there.”

  Dora paused, then tossed the binoculars on the seat beside her in victory. There was a smug look of satisfaction on her eight-year-old face. “Second family. He’s not the real father, he’s still trying to win that kid over with gifts. But he had to steal it so that his real wife, the one who hired us, wouldn’t see the purchase on the credit card statement.”

  Her father, still taking pictures, held his hand out for a high five without even looking up from the camera. “You got it in one, Pandora. You’re gonna make a hell of a PI someday, kid.”

  Dora leaned out the window as she and her dad headed back home, having gotten all the proof they needed for his client. The wind smacked her face like water at the topmost roll of a wave. In that moment she didn’t need anything else. Not a fancy house, or new toys, or a vacation to Disneyland. All she needed was her dad and a little mystery for the two of them to solve together.


  “Damn it,” Danil Malashovik growled as he glanced at the time on his car radio. His mother was going to deep fry his ass for being late to yet another Sunday dinner. But, he supposed he didn’t really have a choice. There were only so many Public Defenders in Spokane, Washington.

  And when duty called, Danil answered. It was in his genes. He came from a very long line of ridiculously hardworking men. His father had worked the wheat fields in Belarus for ten hours every day of Danil’s young life. Until they’d come to America a decade ago.

  Danil pulled his car into the parking lot of the northwest precinct. He hoped he could wrap this up quickly. He was starving and he knew for a fact that his mother was making babka. His barbaric brothers wouldn’t save him a single bite if he wasn’t there when it was first put on the table.

  Danil strode into the precinct, straightening his tie and putting all thoughts of potato pie out of his mind. He had a job to do. And he never did anything half assed.

  He came up to the front desk so that Freddie could tell him which room his client was in. He checked the folder in his hand. Harry Rourke. No priors. Good. This shouldn’t take too long at all.

  “But on the other hand, if you think about it, the first wasn’t a warning. It was more of a passing of information from one person to another. So this isn’t technically a second warning. It’s a first,” said a woman in a silky, flirtatious voice.

  Danil glanced up to see who the smooth talker was. His eyes landed on quite possibly the most gorgeous creature he’d ever seen. S
he leaned up against the front desk in a pair of tight, cuffed jeans and a black leather jacket. Her curves were soft and generous. Her foxy face was sharp in the features and highlighted by a short, stylish cap of dark, glossy hair. She slanted her eyes up through a fringe of dark lashes at Officer Rickford, a personal friend of Danil’s.

  Rickford was looking a little pink around the ears, Danil noted. And he could see why. This woman was a stone cold ten and she wasn’t pumping any sort of brakes.

  Danil smirked as she reached up and gently readjusted Rickford’s tie, brushed something imaginary off his shoulder.

  “So, seeing as I’m new in town and didn’t know the rules, I think everyone would understand if instead of any more police action, I just took this warning very seriously, and promised never to do it again.” She pouted perfect, plump lips and put a very sorry look on her face.

  “Be that as it may, Ms. Katsaros,” Rickford said, turning even pinker and clearing his throat. “This is the second time in as many days that you’ve been brought into the station for trespassing on federally protected land.”

  “I was lost!” she insisted. “Is that a crime?”

  “Yes, actually. It is,” Danil said in his slight Slavic accent, deciding to throw Rickford a bone here. The man was a little out of his depth. Danil leaned across the two of them to hand his file to Freddie at the front desk. Freddie took it and flipped it open, started processing it right away.

  Danil leaned back, ignoring the quick tightening of his gut when he realized that this woman smelled like citrus. Light and clean and female.

  Frustration flickered momentarily across the woman’s face at Danil’s intrusion before she smoothed her exceptional features back into a flirtatious smile. “Well, in that case, I genuinely accept the warning, Officer Rickford. I’ve taken it right to heart. And you won’t have to worry about me for another second. I swear.”