Shifter Fever Complete Series (Books 1-5) Read online

Page 58

  Alayna’s system was going haywire. Her nipples and her clit ground into the couch with all of Griff’s weight and he was hollowing her out with his punishing strokes. She was rising and rising, needing to break so badly, when his hands slipped over hers and their fingers linked. He was with her, with her, with her. And she snapped, grinding her clit against the cushion beneath her and absolutely letting everything go. She clamped down on him as her body arched up.

  “Yes, baby, that’s it,” he coaxed into her ear as she writhed and tensed and fell loose beneath him.

  That was when he pulled out and gathered her up. She twisted in his arms and slammed her soft mouth against his. The kisses were loose and without any sort of punctuation. Tongue became lips became teeth became tongue. She could feel him pressing against her but he didn’t press into her again.

  “My bed. I need you in my bed.”

  He rose and carried her into his bedroom and she was assaulted by the scent of him. Sweaty-good and clinging to every surface, especially the sheets that she bounced in when he tossed her down. She sat on the edge of the bed and he took her knees and firmly nudged them aside.

  He took a minute and just stared at the heaven in front of him. And then, when staring wasn’t enough, he leaned forward and took one long, lazy lick.

  He immediately rocked back on his heels, dropping his forehead to her knee and groaning.

  “What?” she asked blearily, legs still spread.

  “You always taste so fucking sweet after you come.” It was a gravelly rasp of words. Like it caused him pain. She pressed her hand on his bare neck and felt his pain. And she knew what it was. It was pain for all the time they’d lost. All the years they could have been together but weren’t.

  “I’m right here, Griff.”

  He looked up at her.

  “After all of that, I’m right here in front of you, wet and trembling for that sexy mouth of yours. So please.” She let her head fall back. “God, please.”

  She didn’t need to say more to have him latching himself to her. He opened his mouth as wide as a scream to bury his tongue inside her, work her underneath with his lower jaw. He sucked and speared, swallowed and swallowed. And grinned against her when her knees squeezed the hell out of his shoulders as she came and came.

  He wanted another. This time he attacked her from the inside, two fingers curled and beckoning that orgasm. His lips clamped over her clit.

  Alayna, sensitive and gasping, popped up onto her elbows and saw that Griff was pumping himself with his free hand. She grabbed his hair and held him to her as she scooted back on the bed.

  He looked up.

  “I want you.”

  He started to crawl over her and she clarified.

  “In my mouth.”

  A grin broke out over his face and he pivoted over her, rolling them to their sides and planting his hips by her face, and his face between her legs. His mouth landed on her again. He destroyed her from the inside out but Alayna couldn’t concentrate, not when the most perfect dick of all the dicks, she was sure, was staring her in the face.

  Maybe she’d work on her technique later, but it had been eight years and Alayna just took him hard to the back of her throat.

  “Fuck,” Griff groaned as he jerked up for air and pushed his hips forward. She took the thrust. They’d learned early on that she didn’t have much of a gag reflex and fuck if it hadn’t made things interesting.

  He sucked at her clit, trying to give as good as he was getting because he’d forgotten that the woman had a mouth like a vacuum cleaner and he never lasted long enough when she put her mind to it. He almost laughed in relief when her body arched against him and she stopped sucking in order to press herself against his face. Then her nails scratched the shit out of his ass and it was so fucking worth it to feel her pulsing in his mouth.

  He pulled off her and pushed himself into her mouth a few times, gritting his teeth against the endless pleasure of it.

  But then he pulled out and crawled over her. He kneed her legs apart and slid into her, anchoring himself deep inside.

  “Griff,” she gasped in surprise and pleasure, her back arching off the bed.

  “That’s it,” he coaxed into her ear, his body scraping across her, slipping from the sweat, his hand tangled in her hair, his feet gripping for purchase in the sheets. “Say it. Say my name.”

  “Griff,” she moaned again, latching her hands around his back. There was so much touching and though she could usually only feel other people’s pain, at this moment his pleasure was so big, so potent, she could feel that, too. His pleasure rose through her, into her and she gasped his name, her eyes dilating. She was building again, with his pleasure curling and rising and twisting with her own.

  “Again,” he growled and then pulled out of her right before she came again.

  She let out a moan of distress. “Griff, please.”

  “Again,” he growled, flipping her over onto her knees and threading her fingers with his against the bars of his headboard. “Beg me for it.”

  “Please, God, Griff, please.” She was beside herself, so close. And she could still feel the way he was holding himself back from the ultimate pleasure. She could feel that delicious tension rising up in him. She wanted to come. She wanted him to come. “Griff, please.”

  He slammed into her from behind and Alayna arched her back and dropped her head, both of their fingers tightening on the headboard. Just like that, she was coming so hard she stopped breathing, the hardest of her life. Her legs shook and her vision blackened. Griff. It was Griff. This was finally Griff touching her, loving her. The love of her life was making her come and she’d never felt more complete before. She screamed his name while her world knitted itself back together. It had been in two, awful pieces. But now, here she was, wonderfully whole again.

  She held on for dear life while he slammed into her, their skin slapping and slipping, his breath hot on her neck. The bed creaked under them with the strength of his thrusts and she thought they might crack the headboard off. And then his body went stiff and she whipped her head over her shoulder to watch. He slammed into her arrhythmically and then held, held, held, while the tendons popped in his neck, his face strained against itself, air and sound ripped out of him as he emptied himself into her.

  He couldn’t stop fucking her, though, even as he grew soft and their wetness slipped between them. Still his hips worked against her like he never wanted to stop. Finally, finally, he stilled, clutching her hips for dear life.

  “You seem a little pent up,” she panted over her shoulder and they both burst out laughing.


  They collapsed onto the bed and Griff pulled her over top of him. “Wow.”

  “Yes,” she agreed. “Major wow.”

  “Not that it’s a surprise,” he hummed into her lips. “We were always really good at that.”

  “Even as inexperienced teenagers,” she agreed. Then thought for a minute. “But I don’t remember us being quite that good.”

  “Yeah,” he dragged a hand over his eyes, replaying a few choice scenes. “That was really something.” He rolled to her. “What do you think about sex in a bed?”

  Both of them had only ever had sex in his freezing, dusty, rock-hard cell before.

  “It’s nice. All you have to think about is the pleasure, instead of how cold your knees are against the floor.”

  “Or whether or not your girlfriend is moaning loud enough for the guards to hear and come murder you.”

  She pulled her lips into a pout. “I was never that loud.”

  “Baby, you are loud during sex.” He kissed that pout. She opened her mouth to argue but he kissed her again. “And I love it. Couldn’t love it more. Just like I love that you’re stubborn as hell, and fancy, and that you’re prickly with other people but with me you’re all sweet and nurturing and you just melt all over me.”

  She propped her head up onto one hand. “What else do you like?” she as
ked, completely unabashedly. And he couldn’t help but laugh. It was very Alayna. To get a handful of compliments from her lover and then demand more. But he wasn’t going to hold out on her. It’s not like he had a shortage of things on the list.

  “I like that I have so much to hold and play with now.”

  He dragged the backs of his fingers over one nipple and then the next. He buried his face between her breasts and blew air out, making her laugh.

  “I love that sound, Alayna. Your gusty laugh.” He leaned down and kissed her over her heart.

  “Remember the first time we had sex?” she asked him, tilting her head to see him better.

  “Of course,” his voice deepened. “I was tickling you. And you were laughing so hard I thought we were gonna get caught, but we didn’t.”

  “You ended up on top of me.” She held his eyes. “You pushed inside me just like you did just now, hard and fast and all the way.”

  Something like chagrin passed over his eyes. “It was too much?”

  She wasn’t sure if he was talking about now or then, but she didn’t care. She shook her head. “It’s never too much. I want you any way I can get you. Any way at all. And when you want me that bad, too, well, it feels nice to be wanted like that.”

  He huffed. “I always want you that bad. Even when you’re frowning at me and telling me that I can’t touch you.”

  She froze. “You understand why I did that, right? I wasn’t trying to punish you.”

  “I know, baby,” he said, turning to kiss her palm as it glided over his cheek. “I get it. Eight years is a long time for me to not have come for you. I understand I still have to build back that trust you had in me.”

  “Can we take a shower? I love showers.”

  He nodded, a sad smile on his face, hauling her up and bringing her into his bathroom.

  “You know,” she said as she stepped after him into the spray, “I don’t think it’s been about trusting you. I think it’s been more about trusting myself. I always thought I had such good instincts with people.” She stepped under the water fully and he watched her wet her hair for the very first time. It floored him. “But then, I’d realize that they only wanted me around for my gifts. And over and over, I’d have to leave them.”

  “Which people?” he asked gruffly as he handed her shampoo.

  “Bands of people who I met up with while I was hiding from my father. I spent years hunting for portals to Earth. And there are other groups of people who are doing the same thing. Everybody wants to get the fuck off Herta. I floated from band to band. Leaving when I didn’t feel welcome anymore.”

  He tipped her head back and gently rinsed the suds out of her hair. “Hold on.”

  He was out of the shower in a flash, dripping water on the floor and digging through the cabinet below the sink. He emerged a second later, triumphant as hell, with a bottle of conditioner. He didn’t hand it over to her, though; instead he slowly worked it into all that hair by himself.

  “I hate that you had to do that, all by yourself. I hate that I wasn’t there.”

  “I can’t go back to Herta,” she told him, her eyes so dark and her lips so full. “Don’t make me go back.”

  “What?” He dropped the bottle of conditioner and gripped her shoulders. “Never. Baby, never. I will never make you do anything let alone go someplace that you hate.”

  He rinsed her off and hunted up a brush. When she was dry and all laid out on the bed, her head in his lap, he slowly, reverently, brushed her hair.

  She was quiet for a long time until she sat up, her hair spilling everywhere. “You know I have to go back, right?”

  He looked in her eyes, saw what she was actually telling him. Even when she’d pleaded with him to not have to go back just minutes ago, he’d suspected that this was true. And it was so Alayna, to pretend to be selfish, just for her own good. And then to change her mind to the honorable thing at the last second. It was one of the parts of her that he loved so much. She loved to act spoiled. But she wasn’t actually spoiled at all.

  “You’re saying that you can’t leave all the other shifters to their fate?”

  “Yes.” She sat up and snuggled herself into his lap, and just for the pleasure of it, Griff took handfuls of her hair and made a curtain around their faces. “I don’t want to go back. I’m terrified of it. I hate it there. But your family… they’re right.”

  Griff felt something tighten in his stomach. “About fighting for shifters.”

  She nodded. “It never even occurred to me to do that, honestly. I was too busy fighting for my own life, trying to get the hell out of there. But now that I’m out, I can’t just sit back. I can’t just accept this.”

  He couldn’t talk about it now. He just couldn’t. He couldn’t even think of her going back in without him. Even if she had every single one of the Ketos by her side, fighting for her. He couldn’t imagine waiting on Earth for her. But he also knew that if she really cared, he’d never stop her. He couldn’t make her change for him. He had to accept what was important to her.

  But the thought had his throat tightening, his heart racing. He did the only thing he could think to do. And Alayna followed him down into the shift. Together they were two red foxes, curled on the bed like yin and yang.


  It took days for them to come up for air. They’d eaten every tiny scrap of food in his house and ordered in twice. He’d changed his sheets four times and had a load in the wash. Her skin was scraped, bruised from his mouth, bitten, and pinked.

  They’d fucked on every single surface of that house. He was raw, she was raw, and they still couldn’t stop kissing.

  “We’re gonna die here, aren’t we,” she murmured, one leg thrown over his hip, extremely aware of his cock growing against her stomach. “We’re just gonna fuck each other to death.”

  “I’m okay with that,” he grumbled into her breasts, nudging his cock forward into her folds. Then he lifted his head like a shot. “Damn it.”



  “What?” The word didn’t even make sense to her. There were no visitors in sex world. It was just she and Griff. But then, a second before the knock came, she scented him, too. “Kain.”

  “They must be back already.”

  Griff rose up and pulled some boxers on. “Stay here.” He didn’t glance back at Alayna sprawled over his bed. Or else he would have slammed his bedroom door closed and ignored Kain.

  He trudged to the door and opened it and Kain stumbled back from the wave of scent that hit him. “Holy God, smells like sex in there.” His eyes dropped to Griff’s chest. “Kinky sex, apparently.”

  Griff was a pretty fast healer, most shifters were. But not as fast as the Ketos. He’d still have these bite marks and bruises and fingernail scratches for a few more hours.

  “Dude.” Kain solemnly lifted a hand. “Up. Top.”

  Kain was shocked when Griff actually high-fived him instead of socking him in the face. But he could see from the loll of his head on his neck, the dopey expression, the loose shoulders, that Griff was relaxed. And happy. Happier than he’d ever seen him before.

  “You’re back,” Griff grumbled. “Everything go alright?”

  “Yeah. Sort of. I’ll fill you in on the details later, but we got out three shifters. One black bear and two squirrels.”

  Griff nodded. “You need me there?”

  He’d always had the best success with re-acclimating the shifters to Earth, getting them to shift to human form, communicating in their animal forms before they got up the courage.

  Kain shook his head. “Inka’s got it for right now. The black bear is already gone and shifted back. She was an accountant over in the Adirondacks, and you should have heard her husband screaming on the line when she called him. Been gone five years. Can you imagine?”

  Griff lifted one eyebrow very meaningfully.

  Kain coughed. “Oh, yeah. I guess you can imagine being apart from your girl f
or five years.”


  “Right. Well, listen, Ruby wants to have a big dinner tonight with everybody. Because me and Valentina have some things to say. And apparently so does Ruby.”

  “Alayna’s working tonight.” Meaning she couldn’t be there and therefore neither could Griff.

  “I get off early. Around eight,” Alayna said, slipping up behind Griff in one of his T-shirts down to her thighs. She laid a cheek on his shoulder and peeked over. “Hi, Kain.”

  “Hey there, pretty lady. Who put the pink in your cheeks, might I ask?”

  Griff rolled his eyes and started to close the door. “We’ll be there at 8:15.”

  Kain was starting to say something else but the door was already slammed in his face. Griff picked up Alayna and pressed her back against the door. He shoved his boxers down and his cock slipped in her wetness, picking up where they’d left off.

  Her eyes widened. “He’s right out there!” she whispered.

  Griff pushed up and into her, all the way to the hilt and swallowed his groan, clamping a palm over his girl’s mouth. “Then you better be quiet.”


  She wore lipstick that night. Bright red orangey lipstick that made her mouth even poutier. And long dangly earrings that caught the light. And her hair was braided all fancy down her back. And she wore bright red heels and that simple black on black outfit required of the waitresses.

  “Apparently, you want me to murder someone tonight,” Griff growled at Milla who sat on one side of him while John Alec sat on the other.

  “Me? What did I do?”

  “You gave her all that girly crap,” he motioned toward Alayna. “Made her look all edible and now all these dudes are looking at her like they want to cheat on their wives and it’s making me all–fuckin’–itchy.”

  “Teach a man to fish…” Milla grinned, popping some bar nuts in her mouth and taking a swig of beer. “All I did was give her some stuff. She figured out how to accessorize on her own. Not my fault your girlfriend’s cute.”